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Tri-Center CSD



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2 Hour Late Start Tuesday, January 16th, 2024

Tri-Center will start 2 hours late tomorrow, January 16th.  Before Care will be available at 6:30 am for those who are signed up. Depending on the temperature, and how our buses start and run, we may have to change the day to a No School Day, so be ready with that plan. Also, a number of gravel roads have only one lane open. I do not want a bus to travel down those roads, so please communicate with your bus drivers to meet at an alternate spot, or bring your kids yourself.

Also, I know that some of you might be wondering how we are going to make all of these days up. So you are aware, now that we have gone to hours of instruction, I have a number of snow days built into the calendar. Additionally, if we do start to get close to not having enough time, we can take advantage of the 5 days of virtual instruction that can be counted as school days. If we do that, I will want you to know well in advance so everyone is ready to make that day as productive as possible.  The bottom line is, we are fine so far for school days, and I do not anticipate the need to add days for students at the end of the year. 

Thank you.