High School Marching Band Camp is the week of August 5th
🗓️ Mark your calendars! Tri-Center High School Marching Band Camp is starts August 5th!
Middle School Band Solo Contest May 16th
The TC Middle School Band Solo Contest has been rescheduled to Thursday, May 16th! The schedule will remain the same.
Large Group Contest May 4th at Lewis Central
Here is the schedule for the high school large group contest on Saturday, May 4th at Lewis Central Middle School (choir) and High School (band). Mixed Choir I - 9:00am Mixed Choir II - 10:00am Concert Band - 11:30am Mr. Fisher . . .
Spring Concert, Senior Awards Night April 29th
On Monday, April 29th, the TC Music Department will present the High School Spring Concert and Senior Award Night. The concert will feature the mixed and chamber choirs plus the concert band. We will honor our senior music . . .
Solo contest postponed
The middle school solo contest scheduled for Thursday, April 11th has been postponed. One of our accompanists, Mr. Baker, was in an accident this morning and suffered a broken arm. I will send out a new date as soon as . . .
Middle School Solo Festival is April 11
On Thursday, April 11th, there will be a Tri-Center Middle School Solo Festival for all band members in grades 6 through 8. The festival will be in the high school music room. Parents, grandparents, and other family members are . . .
Wham and Shelton receive All-State Jazz Band honors
Congratulations to Evan Wham and Samantha Shelton for being selected to the 2024 1A/2A All-State Jazz Band! The band will rehearse at Johnston HS on Wednesday, May 8th, and perform at the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference . . .
Winter Band Concert moved to March 12th
Due to scheduling conflicts and illness, the TC Winter Band Concert will be moved from Tuesday, March 5th to Tuesday, March 12th. The concert will feature bands from grades 6-12 and take place in the TCHS gym. Thank you for . . .
2024 SWIBA High School Honor Band
On Wednesday, Feb. 14th, Johnathan Zacharias, Evan Wham, and Samantha Shelton traveled to Atlantic to participate in the SWIBA HS Honor Band! They represented Tri-Center well, and they have been some of the top players in SWIBA since . . .
Acting Jazzy is March 9th
On Saturday, March 9th, the TC Music Boosters will be putting on Acting Jazzy 8 featuring the High School Jazz Choir, High School Jazz Band, and members of the Speech Department! The event will be in the high school gymnasium and tickets are . . .
Jazz Band to compete at AL March 2nd
The Tri-Center High School Jazz Band will travel to Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs on Saturday, March 2nd to compete in the Bluffs Jazz Festival. Our performance time is at 11:50am.
Winter Band Concert March 5th
There will be a Winter Band Concert on Tuesday, March 5th in the TCHS Gym! The concert will feature the 6th Grade, Jr. High, and High School Concert & Jazz Bands. Hope to see you there!
Tri-Center Middle School Solo Festival April 11th
The first Tri-Center Middle School Band Solo Festival on Thursday, April 11th in the TCHS Music Room. All band kids in grades 6th - 8th will participate! The festival will take place during the day, and the schedule will be released at the . . .
Huebner selected to 2023 SWIBA 8th Grade Honor Band
Congratulations to Ainsley Huebner for being selected for the 2023 SWIBA 8th Grade Honor Band. The festival will be held on Friday, November 10th at the Denison Fine Arts Center. Way to go, Ainsley!!
Music Department trip to Branson canceled
TC Music Department Trip Information: After speaking with our tour company about the trip cost and having a much lower participation rate than we were hoping for, we have decided to cancel our TC Music Department trip to Branson. With . . .
Marching Band receives Division I rating at State Contest in Glenwood
The Tri-Center Trojan Marching Band attending the IHSMA State Marching Band Contest on Saturday in Glenwood. The band had an excellent performance which resulted in their 28th consecutive Division I rating! Great kids doing great . . .